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The Irrational Body
Mouth | Ribcage | Brain Stem 2 |
Breathe | Brain Smear | Kidneys |
Brain Stem | Gut Flora | Choke |
Choke 2 | Kidneys | Brain 3 |
Ear | Brain 4 |
This series is the result of an overwhelming outpouring of mental anguish that comes with dramatic life change, and my attempt to come to terms with the physical manifestation of my mental struggle. The works uses the clinical, Western way of describing the corporeal body through medical diagrams and combines them with colour and form influenced by Woodland style painting. Using a colourful split ground similar to Norval Morrisseau’s works, they evoke the duality of emotions, such as physical/mental, secure/insecure, happy/sad, representing the chaos of conflicting mental states that emerge as physical anxiety in my bodily self.
Acrylic and gold ink on pages from the Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery, 1831-1854. 2013.
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