Japanese Bound Set

Japanese Bound Set

Stone Book Long stitch with beads (unseen) and wrap around cover

Screaming Monster and Tulip and Berries Long stitch with decorative covers

Screaming Monster Long stitch with beads and wrap around cover

Tulip and Berries Long stitch with beads and a protective cover

Horizon Double spined coptic stitch hardcover

Backyard Book 5 layer coptic stitch hardcover

Backyard Book 5 layer coptic stitch hardcover

Landscape Long stitch with oil painting on paper

Landscape hardcover Coptic stitch with hardcover using oil painting on paper

Friends Coptic stitch hardcover with aquatint front cover

Coptic stitch hardcover Mesh over etching as cover

Teal Inset Book Coptic stitch hardcover rusty tin lids and copper rind with acrylic inset

Coptic stitch hardcover Fabric from grade 8 Science Camp t-shirt